desert winds Labrador ranch
Given the abundance of the genetic information delivered by the DNA test, the GHI gives a concise score of all factors.
The GHI describes the genetic health of a dog relative to the other tested dogs in the database. It is based on the dog’s results in terms of tested disease heritage and measured genetic diversity. A dog with an average genetic health level has a GHI of 100. The dogs with the index above 100 are clear of all of the tested disorders and more diverse genetically. All our dogs at DWLR score well above average in genetic health.
At DWLR, we believe it's very important to have each dog tested before breeding. Dogs can be carriers of genetic mutation without showing any symptoms, which is why it can be tempting to just go by luck and produce puppies from symptom-free adult dogs. The problem with this gamble is that both of those asymptomatic adults could be carriers of mutant genes, and if each adult passes a copy of that mutant gene to their offspring, that puppy WILL be affected and WILL suffer from the disorder. The only way to guarantee puppies to be safe from this unnecessary suffering is to have our breeding dogs tested.
EIC (Exercise-Induced Collapse)
EIC is a genetic syndrome with
affected dogs showing signs of muscle weakness, loss of coordination, severe marked increase in body temperature and life-threatening collapse when participating in strenuous exercise or activity. Just 5 to 20 minutes of strenuous activity or extreme excitement can induce collapse.
CNM (Centronuclear Myopathy)
CNM is a hereditary muscle disease of dogs caused by a genetic mutation. Symptoms include generalized muscle weakness, difficulty eating, abnormal gait, exercise intolerance, increased collapse when exposed to cold, and decreased reflexes. As the condition progresses, generalized muscle atrophy is seen. Affected dogs will normally begin showing signs of the disease in the first 6 months of life.
DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)
Similar to Lou Gehrig's Disease in humans, DM is a neurological disease caused by genetic mutation. Affected dogs will have difficulty getting up after laying down and have a general loss of balance and function in the hind limbs, causing them to drag their hind feet. The weakness in the hind limbs gradually expands to the front limbs. In late stages, dogs can lose bladder and bowel control and will eventually be unable to walk.